About Us – Your Story Pod

About David

In 2015 I started the Team Guru Podcast. The purpose was to produce content that supported team and leadership development. 

But along the way, something much more interesting happened – I learned how to interview people.

Creating an atmosphere that encourages the sharing of stories, feelings and experiences is an art form – and I found myself enjoying that side of podcasting as much as the leadership content I was producing.

Your Story Pod came about because people who listened to my leadership podcast started asking me to interview their dad (interestingly, it was always dads – no mums in the early stages).

“I love the way you interview people on your podcast,’ one listener told me. “I’d really appreciate it if you could have a conversation with my dad about his life.” So I did. And the result was amazing.

“I’ve been listening to dad’s stories all my life and I’ve never heard him talk about that!”

The feedback was so positive. Having these conversations with people’s parents, recording them and packaging the audio nicely was a real hit with families.

Word got out that I’d done a couple of personal story interviews and more requests started to roll in. That’s when Your Story Pod was born. After more than two-hundred interviews within the business space, I knew it was time to put my skills to a more personal use. I love chatting with people about their life. Perhaps being an ‘outsider’ – someone who hasn’t heard the stories before – creates a new angle. A fresh line of enquiry ALWAYS leads to new stories and memories being shared.

The work I do with Your Story Pod is the most meaningful I have done in my career. I get to share in a life, probe and question the big events, hear about the losses and enjoy the highs of a life well lived. But best of all, I help create set of memories that will be part of someone’s family forever. For me, that is a special privilege.

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